Ammonium Carb.
Ammonium carbonicum
Chemically prepared from the crystalline compounds sodium carbonate and ammonium chloride.
Traditionally mixed with alcohol and lavender to make smelling salts, a pungent concoction for reviving someone who has fainted.
The crystalline solid is diluted in distilled water. The resulting solution is repeatedly diluted and succussed to potentize it.
Common Names
Ammonium carbonate, sal volatile.
Chemically prepared from the crystalline compounds sodium carbonate and ammonium chloride.
Traditionally mixed with alcohol and lavender to make smelling salts, a pungent concoction for reviving someone who has fainted.
The crystalline solid is diluted in distilled water. The resulting solution is repeatedly diluted and succussed to potentize it.
Common Names
Ammonium carbonate, sal volatile.

This white
chemical is now most commonly found in
baking powder.
Key Symptoms
mental sluggishness; fatigue; fainting and weakness; breathlessness; sense of compression in the chest; person feels worse for cold and damp-
For many centuries, ammonium carbonate was used in the West to treat "blood
poisoning" arising from scarlet fever infection. From the 19th century, however,
its main medicinal use was in smelling salts (also called sal volatile or salts of
ammonia), which were used to revive and stimulate those who had fainted.
Hahnemann proved and published the remedy in his Materia Medica Pura
(1821–34). It is considered particularly useful for states of collapse.
Remedy Profile
This remedy is best suited to people who polarize between a fast, excitable, idealistic state and one that is absent-minded, confused, and chaotic. Their initial idealism may lead them to misjudge their own abilities, resulting in disappointment, resentment, or a feeling that they will never succeed. These people typically search for values and beliefs as a means of establishing a structure and overview for their lives. If these structures begin to drop away, perhaps due to stress or illness, for example, they typically try to "battle on," exhausted and muddled. They are sensitive to other people and to any distress they may be experiencing, but are also inclined to be challenging and disobedient. They have a tendency to be forgetful, gloomy, weepy, and bad-tempered, especially during cloudy weather. Physical symptoms typically treated with Ammonium carb. include severe fatigue, skin eruptions, chesty respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, and problems generated by a sluggish circulation. It may also be used for scarlet fever.Fatigue
Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, possibly with great weakness, fainting, irritability, and depression. The temperament typically changes from idealistic and positive to gloomy, chaotic, confused, absent-minded, and hysterical. An overwhelming sensation that "things cannot go on like this" may be felt, with initial zest and sparkle giving way to a scattered, exhausted feeling. Ultimately, these symptoms may lead to feelings of depression and nervous exhaustion.Symptoms better: For warm, dry surroundings; for raising the feet.
Symptoms worse: In cloudy weather; for continuous movement.
Respiratory illness
Symptoms: A sensation of oppression in the chest, with a recurrent, dry, tickling, rattling cough. The cough may be persistent enough to cause retching, especially at night, and severe enough to cause palpitations. The remedy is commonly used for bronchitis and other chest problems.Symptoms better: For warm, dry surroundings; for pressure on the chest; for raising the feet.
Symptoms worse: In cloudy weather; for continuous movement.
Poor circulation
Symptoms: Breathlessness, wheezing, palpitations, and fatigue, particularly following exertion. Symptoms are often accompanied by a flushed, puffy face, and are typically due to inefficient circulation of blood by the heart.Symptoms better: For warm, dry surroundings; for raising the feet.
Symptoms worse: In cloudy weather; for continuous movement.
Skin conditions
Symptoms: Skin eruptions such as boils, pimples, and red blotches that are often slow to clear. Ammonium carb. is used for rashes, urticaria (hives), and erysipelas with violent itching. The skin is generally prone to allergic reactions and sensitive, especially to water, and there is often a dislike of bathing or washing. The skin eruptions are commonly considered an indication of more serious internal problems, and are usually accompanied by a flushed and puffy face due to a weak circulation.Symptoms better: For warm, dry surroundings; for pressure on the skin; for raising the feet.
Symptoms worse: In cloudy weather; for continuous movement.
Scarlet fever
Symptoms: rash of tiny, red spots spreading rapidly over the body from the neck and the upper trunk, accompanied by a sore throat, headache, and fever.Symptoms better: For pressure on the affected area; for lying on abdomen or the right side.
Symptoms worse: For cold; for damp; between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.
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