Remedy Preparation
How remedies are made
Remedies are made by the process of dilution and succussion. Strictly speaking, remedies are not in themselves homeopathic; they become homeopathic only when they are prescribed according to the principle of "like cures like". When the remedy is given accurately and effectively "mirrors" the patient's symptoms, it can then be considered to be acting homeopathically. The experience, judgment, and skill of the practitioner are responsible for selecting the appropriate remedy. Remedies are preparedto exact guidelines, but may vary in strength.
Remedy potencies
Hahnemann laid down precise guidelines for the Preparation of a homeopathic remedy . Measurements and methods were all strictly and scientifically controlled. He also developed a unique process called "potentization," which allowed the full strength, or potency, of the substance to be released into the remedy mixture.
The theory of dilution
Many remedies are based on highly active or even poisonous substances. Hahnemann established that remedies needed to be diluted to a very great degree to avoid side-effects. To his surprise he discovered that, paradoxically, the more diluted the remedy, the longer its action, the deeper its effect, and the fewer doses needed. Because the remedies are diluted to such a great degree, it is highly unlikely that even a single molecule of the original substance remains. This means that, although remedies may be based on highly poisonous substances, they are completely safe to use, even on children. However, this is also the main reason why homeopathy is still viewed with such skepticism by many orthodox doctors and scientists.
The potency prescribed is gauged by the homeopath according to the condition to be treated, the strength of the patient, and the circumstances. Not only must the remedy given be suitable, but the potency chosen must also be appropriate for the individual.
Scales of dilution
Homeopathic remedies are generally prepared according to one of two scales: the decimal (x) and the centesimal (c). In the decimal scale, the dilution factor is 1:10, and in the centesimal scale it is 1:100. Remedies usually have a number, such as 6c or 12x, after the name. This number indicates how many times it has been diluted and succussed, and on which scale; for example, the remedy Allium cepa 6c has been diluted and succussed six times on the centesimal scale.
More rarely, however, scales such as millesimal (m) and quinquagintamillesimal (lm) are prepared. According to these scales, remedies are diluted by factors of 1:1,000 and 1:50,000 respectively. The former is used mainly when a single, high-potency dose of a remedy is considered appropriate by the practitioner, while the latter is given when regular gentle dosing is needed in stubborn, chronic cases.
PREPARING A POTENCY The mother tincture is usually diluted in a mixture of pure alcohol and distilled water according to one of several scales. The ratio of alcohol to water varies depending on the base substance of the mother tincture. To produce a 1c potency, one drop of the mother tincture is added to 99 drops of an alcohol- and -water mixture and succussed. To produce a 2c potency, one drop of the 1c mixture is added to 99 drops of an alcohol-and-water mixture and succussed. To manufacture the 6c potency illustrated below, this process is repeated a further four times.

According to Hahnemann's theories, the more diluted a remedy, the stronger it is and the higher the number, or "potency." A less diluted remedy is not as strong and has a lower number, or potency.

Preparation of homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies are made from substances derived from plant, mineral, and animal sources. Depending on their natural state, they may be prepared in a variety of different ways. Plant and animal material may be used whole or chopped, depending on its size and density. Metals that are insoluble in their natural states are combined with lactose sugar crystals and ground repeatedly to form a powder fine enough to be soluble in water: this process is called trituration. Crystalline substances, seeds, and beans may also be ground up if they are hard, large, or insoluble in water.- Plant material such as leaves, roots, and flowerheads (above), and some animal material, such as starfish, is chopped finely, while other substances are dissolved in water or ground to prepare them for use.
- The substance is put in a large glass jar, into which is poured a solution of alcohol and distilled water (often 90 percent alcohol to 10 percent water, but this ratio varies depending on the substance).
- The mixture is left to stand for a varying amount of time; mixtures that are macerated for longer periods may be shaken at intervals. Plant material may be steeped for several days or weeks, while mineral-based mixtures may be processed on to the next stage almost immediately.
- After being macerated for the required period of time, the mixture is poured through a filter to strain it or expressed through a press to extract the liquid. Th
- is resulting liquid becomes the "mother tincture" for the remedy, and is stored in a dark glass jar. One drop of the mother tincture is diluted in a mixture of pure alcohol and distilled water according to one of several scales , although the two most commonly used scales are the decimal and the centesimal.
- This mixture is shaken vigorously or banged down firmly on a hard surface, a process devised by Hahnemann. He called it "succussion" and believed that the action enabled the liquid to be "potentized".
- After the mixture has been succussed, steps 5 and 6 are repeated over and over again, as many times as necessary. Each time, the resulting mixture is diluted afresh in a mixture of pure alcohol and distilled water until, finally, the required level of dilution, and therefore the required potency for the homeopathic remedy, is obtained.
- Once the mixture has reached the required strength and potency, a few drops of it are added to lactose tablets, pilules, granules, or powder, to impregnate them with the remedy. These are then stored in dark glass bottles.
This information is not intended as a guide to making remedies. Homeopathic remedies should always be obtained from a reputable supplier.
This information is not intended as a guide to making remedies. Homeopathic remedies should always be obtained from a reputable supplier.
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