Anacardium Or.
Anacardium orientale syn. Semecarpus anacardium
Native to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Indian subcontinent, and found growing in dry, mountainous forest areas.
Arabian physicians traditionally used the juice of the marking nut to treat mental illness, memory loss, paralysis, and spasms.
The ripe, dried fruit is macerated in alcohol for at least five days, before being filtered and then repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Marking-nut tree.
Native to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Indian subcontinent, and found growing in dry, mountainous forest areas.
Arabian physicians traditionally used the juice of the marking nut to treat mental illness, memory loss, paralysis, and spasms.
The ripe, dried fruit is macerated in alcohol for at least five days, before being filtered and then repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Marking-nut tree.

In India the juice of the
marking nut was traditionally used as a
remedy for burning off warts.
Key Symptoms
lack of self-confidence, conflict of wills, sensation as if there is a plug in the anus, gut, or chest, poor memory, itching, burning skin eruptions-
The Latin name of this shrub derives from the ancient Greek kardia, or
"heart," inspired by the plant's heart-shaped, shiny, black nut. The nut yields
a milky juice that turns black after it is exposed to air. In southeast Asia this
juice is combined with chalk to make an ink for marking patterns on fabric,
hence the plant's common name, the marking-nut tree. The homeopathic
remedy Anacardium or. was proved by Hahnemann in 1835. It is prescribed
for both psychological and physical disorders.
Remedy Profile
Anacardium or. is traditionally used for memory disturbance and a disturbed psychological state. It is considered especially apt for those who feel they are experiencing a conflict of will or are trapped between extremes of good and evil, sometimes described as "a demon sitting on one shoulder, an angel on the other." These individuals are typically prone to low selfesteem, or may exhibit hard, angry, cruel behavior. They may suspect that they are being pursued, or experience dreamlike states. Typical physical symptoms include a feeling of constricted pain, as if bands are wrapped tightly around the body, or as if the gut or anus is plugged. In this connection, the remedy is used for certain conditions of the digestive tract. It is also used for skin irritations marked by severe itching and burning, and for minor chest pain.Psychological problems
Symptoms: A state of inner conflict expressed in contrary and changeable behavior. This conflict may provoke behavior that is coldhearted, violent, and cruel, with a compulsive urge to curse. Exaggerated affection toward a person or pet may be followed by cruelty or violence. An inferiority complex may be evident. There may be an extremely poor memory, a lack of concentration, and general absentmindedness, especially at times of stress— for example, when studying for exams. In extreme cases, symptoms may be linked to a mental illness, such as depression, manic depression, or schizophrenia.Symptoms better: For lying in the sun; for hot baths; in the late morning; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For mental exertion; for anger; for fright; for stress; for studying.
Low self-esteem
Symptoms: Great feelings of unworthiness, irresolution, and low self-confidence, possibly with an inferiority complex, due to an inner conflict of will. Depending on the severity of the mental state, there may even be infrequent or ongoing self-abuse. Behavior patterns may be associated with prior subjection to abuse, violence, humiliation, or oppression.Symptoms better: For lying in the sun; for hot baths; in the late morning; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For mental exertion; for fright; for stress; for humiliation.
Digestive disorders
Symptoms: Hemorrhoids, indigestion, and constipation with a painful constricted feeling, as if the gut or anus were plugged and the body wrapped by tight bands. The pain may stop after eating but resumes a few hours later.Symptoms better: Immediately after eating.
Symptoms worse: For a hot bath or compress; at midnight; a few hours after eating.
Skin conditions
Symptoms: Eczema and possibly patches of blistered skin, often on the forearms, causing intense itching and burning. The skin is highly sensitive. Warts are also treated with the remedy.Symptoms better: For the application of very hot water.
Symptoms worse: For stress, for scratching the affected skin.
Chest pain
Symptoms: Sharp or pricking pain in the heart, possibly with a sense of pressure in the chest, as if it is bound by tight bands or weighed down by a small plug. An uneasy sensation may develop in the chest, possibly involving palpitations.Symptoms better: For inhaling fresh air outdoors.
Symptoms worse: A few hours after eating.
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