Arsen. Iod.
Arsenicum iodatum
Common Name(s)
Arsenic iodide, iodide of arsenic.
Chemically prepared.
These orange-red crystals are highly toxic and must be protected from light to prevent the loss of iodine.
Pure arsenic iodide crystals are dissolved in alcohol.
Arsenic iodide, iodide of arsenic.
Chemically prepared.
These orange-red crystals are highly toxic and must be protected from light to prevent the loss of iodine.
Pure arsenic iodide crystals are dissolved in alcohol.
Remedy profile
This remedy is most appropriate for people who are irritable and restless. Excitable and impatient, they may have sudden, violent impulses. Their bodies are warm.The classic symptom picture for Arsen. iod. is of either great restlessness or total exhaustion, possibly associated with chronic chest infection and burning discharges from the mucous membranes. There may be a history of allergic and respiratory conditions. Arsen. iod. is most often used for hay fever or influenza that is accompanied by the classic burning discharge, soreness of the mucous membranes, and frequent sneezing. There may be a loose, short, hacking cough or a burning, sore throat associated with inflammation. The remedy may also be given for asthma and shortness of breath with rapid breathing that gradually becomes a wheeze. It may also be used for hyperactivity in children.
Symptoms better: For open air; after eating.
Symptoms worse: For dry, windy, cold, or foggy weather; for the heat of the bed; for exertion; for tobacco smoke.
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