Calc. Fluor.
Calcium fluoratum syn. Calcarea fluorica
Common Name(s)
Calcium fluoride.
ally from fluorspar (fluorite) found in Mexico, the UK, and the US, but now chemically prepared.
This gray-white powder is odorless, tasteless, and luminous when heated. Dr. Schüssler
ally developed the remedy as one of his "biochemic" tissue salts.
Calcium fluoride is mixed with lactose sugar and triturated.
Calcium fluoride.
ally from fluorspar (fluorite) found in Mexico, the UK, and the US, but now chemically prepared.
This gray-white powder is odorless, tasteless, and luminous when heated. Dr. Schüssler
ally developed the remedy as one of his "biochemic" tissue salts.
Calcium fluoride is mixed with lactose sugar and triturated.
Remedy profile
Anxiety is typical in those for whom this remedy is most appropriate, especially anxiety about health. They fear poverty and may be miserly or envious of others. Calc. fluor. is primarily used to treat disorders of the bones, teeth, joints, and musculoskeletal system. Key conditions associated with the remedy include bone malnutrition and deformity, tumors and growths, possibly on the bones or the tendons, and swollen, inflamed joints that crack or dislocate easily on moving. Further symptoms associated with Calc. fluor. include teeth that are prone to crumbling or breaking easily, and hard lumps that develop on the skull and jaw.In addition, the remedy may be prescribed for the treatment of enlarged veins or varicose veins.
Symptoms better: For heat; for rubbing the affected area; for continued movement.
Symptoms worse: For cold; for damp; on beginning to move; for sprains.
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