Calc. Phos.
Calcium phosphoricum
Manufactured from dilutions of phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide (also called limewater). The two solutions react to form calcium phosphate as a cloudy, white precipitate.
Used in the manufacture of glass, in fertilizers, as a stabilizer in plastics, and as a leavening agent in baking. Additionally used by dentists as a polishing powder for teeth.
The white calcium phosphate precipitate is filtered, dried, and triturated with lactose sugar.
Common Names
Calcium phosphate, phosphate of lime.
Manufactured from dilutions of phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide (also called limewater). The two solutions react to form calcium phosphate as a cloudy, white precipitate.
Used in the manufacture of glass, in fertilizers, as a stabilizer in plastics, and as a leavening agent in baking. Additionally used by dentists as a polishing powder for teeth.
The white calcium phosphate precipitate is filtered, dried, and triturated with lactose sugar.
Common Names
Calcium phosphate, phosphate of lime.

Although calcium phosphate exists in
a natural state, it is
manufactured in a
laboratory for use
in homeopathy.
Key Symptoms
discontentment; desire to travel; delayed or accelerated growth; craving for smoked meats; susceptibility to bone and tooth problems-
In nature, the mineral salt calcium phosphate exists as apatite, found
predominantly in north Africa. Calcium phosphate is the main constituent of
bones and teeth, accounting for about 60 percent of the average human skeleton.
Dr. Wilhelm Schüssler chose it in 1873 as one of the 12 mineral or tissue salts
that he considered vital for a healthy body. The remedy, proved by
Dr. Constantine Hering in 1837, is given primarily for bone and tooth problems.
Remedy Profile
Usually sociable and sensitive, people who respond best to Calc. phos. are prone to feelings of great insecurity with regard to their health and friends. They may get depressed, worn down, and weary, feeling poorly nourished on both a physical and an emotional level. This feeling often leads them to be restless and uncertain of what they want. Constantly seeking new stimulation and contacts, they like to travel and meet people, but tend to feel dissatisfied, bored, and irritable without knowing why. As children, they exhibit similar discontent with no real cause.Calc. phos. is used to treat bone conditions such as joint disorders, fractures that are slow to heal, and slow growth in children. Teething problems and weak teeth are also treated with the remedy, as are fatigue, anemia (possibly after illness), migraines, and disorders of the digestive system.
Bone & joint conditions
Symptoms: Pain and stiffness in the neck and back. Joints may be painful, possibly due to arthritis, inflamed tendons, slow healing of fractures, or ligament sprains. There may be abnormality of the bones in a joint, causing them to fuse and become immobile, or leading to curvature of the spine.Symptoms better: In summer; for warm, dry weather.
Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; for worry or grief; for overexertion; for lifting heavy objects.
Symptoms: Slow or difficult teething, typically with colds, coughs, and diarrhea. Once teeth have formed, they tend to be weak and decay easily.Symptoms better: In summer; for warm, dry weather.
Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather.
Symptoms: General feeling of being undernourished and unwell. Weakness, exhaustion, and anemia may follow illness or emotional stress. There may also be susceptibility to the cold and to drafts.Symptoms better: In summer; after a very hot bath.
Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; for worry or grief; for overexertion; for lifting heavy objects; for sexual excess.
Growth disorders
Symptoms: Slow growth in children and adolescents, or rapid growth during puberty, typically accompanied by numbness and a crawling sensation in the hands and feet. The fontanelle may be slow to close in babies.Symptoms better: For warm, dry weather.
Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; for puberty; during teeth development.
Head pain
Symptoms: Severe headaches with pain along the cranial sutures (the joints linking the bones of the cranium). These may intensify into migraines.Symptoms better: In summer; for warm, dry weather.
Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; for worry or grief; for overexertion; for lifting heavy objects.
Digestive disorders
Symptoms: Indigestion, pain after eating, and heartburn. Adults may find it difficult to eat and be nourished by food, possibly due to cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. There may be cravings for sweets, and for salty foods such as smoked meats. Children may have chronic abdominal pain. Babies have great difficulties feeding, persistently vomiting even breast milk, and suffering from cramps and colic after feeding.Symptoms better: In summer; for warm, dry weather.
Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; for dwelling on symptoms; for drinking milk.
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