Cantharis vesicatoria syn. Lytta vesicatoria
Found in southern Europe, notably in Spain and southern France, as well as in western Asia. Feeds on the leaves of white poplar, ash, privet, elder, and lilac trees.
Traditionally used for warts, baldness, arousing the libido, and inducing miscarriage. The Greek "father of medicine," Hippocrates, advocated Spanish fly for dropsy in the 5th century BCE.
Whole, live beetles are killed by heating. They are then macerated in alcohol and left to stand for five days, before being filtered, diluted, and succussed.
Common Names
Spanish fly, blister beetle.
Found in southern Europe, notably in Spain and southern France, as well as in western Asia. Feeds on the leaves of white poplar, ash, privet, elder, and lilac trees.
Traditionally used for warts, baldness, arousing the libido, and inducing miscarriage. The Greek "father of medicine," Hippocrates, advocated Spanish fly for dropsy in the 5th century BCE.
Whole, live beetles are killed by heating. They are then macerated in alcohol and left to stand for five days, before being filtered, diluted, and succussed.
Common Names
Spanish fly, blister beetle.

As a form of defense, this beetle
secretes cantharidine if touched. This active
chemical causes the skin to blister.
Key Symptoms
burning, cutting pains; urine that passes in drops; very high libido with urinary problems; violent behavior; person feels worse for coffee-
The iridescent body of this beetle contains an irritant called cantharidine, which
has a long, if dubious, reputation in traditional medicine, due in part to its alleged
aphrodisiac properties. If taken in large doses, cantharidine is a powerful poison
that attacks the urinary system. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, burning pain in the
stomach and throat, and kidney damage, and can lead ultimately to death. The
remedy Cantharis, proved by Hahnemann in 1805, is given for complaints
accompanied by burning pain.
Remedy Profile
Those who benefit most from Cantharis usually have high sex drives, which may become uncontrollable during certain illnesses. They can be restless, querulous, and difficult to get along with when ill. Irritability or insolence can even explode into paroxysms of violence or rage. In extreme cases, this may escalate into psychological problems such as intense mental confusion or mania.Cantharis is prescribed for conditions that deteriorate very rapidly. Typical symptoms are loss of appetite, burning pain in the throat or stomach, and raging thirst with an aversion to drinking, since even a small amount of water makes the bladder pain worse.
Burning cystitis and urinary tract inflammation are the main disorders for which Cantharis is used. Tenderness in the area of the kidneys, renal colic, kidney inflammation such as nephritis and pyelonephritis, and some other urinary disorders may also be eased by the remedy. It is given for sunburn, scalds, and burns if the skin has blistered, and is also used for insect bites and stings. Some digestive-tract disorders, such as gastritis, severe diarrhea, or dysentery, may respond to the remedy, as may an excessive libido.
Severe cystitis
Symptoms: Constant, urgent desire to urinate, with violent, spasmodic pains in the lower abdomen. Urine is scanty, hot, and bloody, and is passed drop by drop, with violent burning or cutting pains in the bladder and urethra. After urinating there is a sensation that the bladder is not actually empty. There may be long-term urine retention, which results in a loss of muscle tone in the bladder. Inflammation of the genital area may overly stimulate the libido.Symptoms better: For warmth; at night.
Symptoms worse: Before, during, and after urination; for coffee; for cold drinks.
Burns & scalds
Symptoms: Burns, sunburn, and scalding, if the skin blisters. Cantharis is also prescribed for blisters that resemble burns.Symptoms better: For cold compresses on the affected area.
Symptoms worse: For warmth; for touch.
Insect bites & stings
Symptoms: Unusually sharp pain at the site of a sting or bite, which has a black center. Anger, restlessness, excitability, or aggravation may also be evident after the bite or sting.Symptoms better: For cold compresses on the affected area.
Symptoms worse: For warmth; for coffee.
Gastritis, diarrhea & dysentery
Symptoms: Violent, burning pain, distended abdomen, and possibly diarrhea accompanied by a scalding sensation. There may be an urge to empty the bowels when urinating, a loss of appetite, and irritability.Symptoms better: For warmth; for doubling over; at night.
Symptoms worse: During urination; for drinking.
Excessive libido
Symptoms: Uncontrollable, inappropriate sexual arousal. An inflamed genital area, due to urinary tract infection, may stimulate sexual activity. Sexual fantasies may be strong enough to disturb sleep.Symptoms better: For warmth; for rest; for rubbing the genitalia.
Symptoms worse: During urination; during sexual intercourse.
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