Artemisia cina syn. A. maritima 'Linn'
Native to a wide area ranging from the eastern Mediterranean to Siberia. Prefers semi-arid growing conditions.
Dried, unopened flower heads have been used since ancient times in Preparations for expelling intestinal worms. The bitter plant has also been used as a digestive stimulant.
Unopened flower heads (called "seeds") are harvested in fall, coarsely powdered, macerated in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.
Common Names
Levant wormseed, European wormseed, Tartarian southernwood.
Native to a wide area ranging from the eastern Mediterranean to Siberia. Prefers semi-arid growing conditions.
Dried, unopened flower heads have been used since ancient times in Preparations for expelling intestinal worms. The bitter plant has also been used as a digestive stimulant.
Unopened flower heads (called "seeds") are harvested in fall, coarsely powdered, macerated in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.
Common Names
Levant wormseed, European wormseed, Tartarian southernwood.

bluish gray leaves of
this aromatic plant
give off a strong scent
when crushed, but have
a very bitter taste.
Key Symptoms
teeth-grinding, irritability and touchiness, temper tantrums, ravenous appetite, desire to lie on the hands and knees, itchy nose that is constantly rubbed-
Purportedly named after Artemisia, the queen of Persia in the 4th century BCE
who was renowned for her botanical skills, this family of plants has been valued
by many medicinal traditions, from ancient Roman to Chinese. Artemisia cina was
identified as a remedy for intestinal worms by the ancient Greeks, and its active
constituent, santonin, is still used in worm medicines. In 1829 Cina was proved
by Hahnemann, who felt that the plant's "valuable curative properties"
went well beyond its traditional role in herbalism.
Remedy Profile
Cina is typically perceived as a children's remedy, and is given for intestinal worms or muscle twitches, associated with great irritability when scolded or in discomfort. Those affected cannot bear to be touched, held, or even observed— they often consider themselves ugly. Restlessness, a frantic state of mind, picking the nose, and grinding the teeth are typical symptoms in those for whom Cina is appropriate. Sleep is often fitful and plagued by night terrors. All symptoms may be worse at night.These people may have an "anxiety of conscience," a groundless feeling of having done something wrong, which manifests itself as touchiness and obstinacy. They may be survivors of childhood abuse.
In addition to its primary use for worms, Cina has also been given to treat convulsions and seizures in children. Today it is still given as a treatment for worms, as well as for temper tantrums, violent coughing, muscle twitches, and sleep problems in children.
Intestinal worms
Symptoms: Worms evident in whitish-colored stools. Cutting, pinching pain is felt in the belly, which may be bloated. There is an urge to grind the teeth at night, and to pick the nose and scratch the rectum, which are both itchy. The appetite may be nonexistent, enormous, or changeable, with potential cravings for sweet foods. There is often intense irritability and great restlessness.Symptoms better: For movement; for bending down.
Symptoms worse: For heat in summer; at night; for touch.
Temper tantrums
Symptoms: Extreme irritability in children, especially chubby ones with variable appetites. Tantrums may be due to being scolded or to worms. Typical Cina symptoms such as teeth-grinding may be present.Symptoms better: For lying on the abdomen; for being carried.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for being stared at.
Coughs & colds
Symptoms: Whooping cough or severe, gagging cough, with limb spasms before a coughing fit. The chest feels constricted, making breathing difficult. Speaking or sudden movement may trigger coughing. In children the body tends to stiffen prior to a coughing fit. Violent sneezing may cause pressure build-up in the head, and the nose may be alternately blocked and runny. There may be an urge to pick the nose, and nosebleeds often result. Intense ill-humor and irritability are often evident.Symptoms better: For being still; in the daytime.
Symptoms worse: For getting up; for walking out of doors; during sleep; at night.
Twitching muscles
Symptoms: Jerking muscles and spasms, especially in the hands and feet, associated with irritability. Cina is often used if twitching or convulsions are triggered by touch or by being scolded.Symptoms better: For bending down.
Symptoms worse: For touch; at night; for heat in summer.
Sleep problems
Symptoms: Difficulty in falling asleep, or restless sleep with twitching, jerking limbs.Symptoms better: For being rocked violently; for lying on the hands and knees.
Symptoms worse: For night terrors; for being turned over.
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