Cuprum Ars.
Cuprum arsenicosum
Common Name(s)
Copper arsenite, Scheele's green.
Chemically prepared.
This toxic, yellow-green pigment was used in wallpapers until a link was established between it and a multitude of health problems, especially digestive disorders and cramps.
The compound is mixed with lactose sugar and triturated.
Copper arsenite, Scheele's green.
Chemically prepared.
This toxic, yellow-green pigment was used in wallpapers until a link was established between it and a multitude of health problems, especially digestive disorders and cramps.
The compound is mixed with lactose sugar and triturated.
Remedy profile
Those who respond best to Cuprum ars. are often confused, restless, and in anguish. Their body functions are also confused and disturbed, with chilliness and periods of irregular or weak heart function. Their bodies tremble, especially when walking, or they may be prostrated.A key condition associated with Cuprum ars. is poor kidney function. Typical symptoms include burning pain on urinating, dark red, discolored urine with a strong odor, perhaps of garlic, and diarrhea. The remedy may also be given to those who have experienced prolonged fluid loss, perhaps after injury or an operation.
Symptoms better: For hard pressure on the affected area.
Symptoms worse: For damp; for touch; for movement; during diarrhea attacks.
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