Forms within other rocks, such as granite, slate, schist, and marble. Commonly found in Sri Lanka, Mexico, and North America.
Dr. S. Weinhold, a German contemporary of Hahnemann, noted that workmen in a mirror factory cured cold sores with graphite.
Graphite powder is triturated with lactose sugar to make it soluble. After being dissolved in water it is repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Graphite, blacklead, plumbago.
Forms within other rocks, such as granite, slate, schist, and marble. Commonly found in Sri Lanka, Mexico, and North America.
Dr. S. Weinhold, a German contemporary of Hahnemann, noted that workmen in a mirror factory cured cold sores with graphite.
Graphite powder is triturated with lactose sugar to make it soluble. After being dissolved in water it is repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Graphite, blacklead, plumbago.

This mineral is not generally used
medicinally, except in its homeopathic form.
Key Symptoms
poor concentration; indecisiveness; conditions that mainly affect the left side; weeping on hearing music; chilliness; cracked skin with a honeylike discharge-
Graphite is a carbon mineral that contains traces of iron. The name derives from
the Greek graphein, meaning "to write." The main constituent of pencil lead,
graphite is also used in the production of lubricants, polishes, batteries, and
electric motors. The remedy, proved by Hahnemann and published in his Chronic
Diseases (1821–34), is often given for skin complaints and for anxiety with lack
of confidence.
Remedy Profile
Those who respond best to Graphites tend to be more physically than intellectually oriented. These practical types prefer action to discussion, and are seen as "the ones who are going to cope." They can, however, be lethargic, notably on waking. Seemingly moody, pessimistic, and agitated, under the surface they are deeply emotional, often sad, and easily moved to tears by music.These people are especially susceptible to certain physical symptoms affecting the skin, nails, mucous membranes, and the left side of the body. Symptoms are often linked to glandular problems. Sensitivity to the cold and headaches after skipping meals are typical.
Skin & nail conditions
Symptoms: Irritated, cracked, dry skin behind the ears, and on the nostrils, knees, nipples, and fingertips. Eczema or psoriasis may ooze a honey-colored discharge. Cracked skin may bleed and easily become infected. There may be old scars that ulcerate and burn, cold sores around the mouth, and herpes blisters around the genitals.Symptoms better: For warmth with fresh air; in the dark; for sleep; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For cold; during menstruation; for sweet foods; for seafood.
Anxiety & shyness
Symptoms: Self-doubt, lack of selfconfidence, shyness, and indecision. There is a tendency to anticipate the worst, to be full of anxiety, and to become upset over the slightest thing, which frequently causes depression or overexcitement. Concentration may be poor, and may even develop into dementia. Fastidiousness and perfectionism are further common Graphites traits.Symptoms better: For walking in fresh air; for the dark; for being in a moving vehicle.
Symptoms worse: On waking; for music; during menstruation.
Eye, ear & nose conditions
Symptoms: Swollen, red, dry eyelids due to blepharitis, and styes with a yellow discharge. There may be an ear discharge with an itchy infection of the outer ear. A cracking sound, especially while eating, may occur, as may deafness related to otosclerosis (a middle-ear disorder). Hot sweats (often due to a hormonal imbalance) may be followed by nosebleeds.Symptoms better: For warmth; for fresh air.
Symptoms worse: For cold; on the left side; before and during menstruation.
Digestive disorders
Symptoms: Constipation, bloating, and flatulence, maybe with cramps. There may be rectal itching, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and stomach pains with hunger or vomiting. Bland foods are preferred to meat and salty or sweet foods.Symptoms better: For warmth with fresh air; for hot foods.
Symptoms worse: For cold; during menstruation; for sweet foods; for seafood.
Menstrual problems
Symptoms: Irregular, scanty, menstruation, and swollen, hard, painful breasts before and during menstruation. There may be itchy genitals and constipation.Symptoms better: For wrapping up warmly.
Symptoms worse: At night; for scratching.
Erectile problems
Symptoms: Impotence in men with a high libido at an early age. Priapism (persistent, sore erection) may affect men who dislike sexual intercourse.Symptoms better: For walking in fresh air.
Symptoms worse: For sexual excess; for masturbation.
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