Lachesis muta syn. Trigonocephalus lachesis
A deadly member of the rattlesnake family. Native territory is South America, and preferred habitat tends to be the wooded areas of tropical regions.
"Milked" from the live snake, the bushmaster's venom is used to make an antivenin for people bitten by it. The antivenin helps counteract the effects of the bite.
Venom is "milked" from the bushmaster snake before being dissolved in alcohol. The mixture is then repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Bushmaster snake, surucucu.
A deadly member of the rattlesnake family. Native territory is South America, and preferred habitat tends to be the wooded areas of tropical regions.
"Milked" from the live snake, the bushmaster's venom is used to make an antivenin for people bitten by it. The antivenin helps counteract the effects of the bite.
Venom is "milked" from the bushmaster snake before being dissolved in alcohol. The mixture is then repeatedly diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Bushmaster snake, surucucu.

Unusually, this member of
the rattlesnake family is an aggressive hunter, with
an extremely loud rattle and highly lethal venom.
Key Symptoms
zealous temperament; loquacity; conditions that generally appear on the left side; person feels better for expelling discharges-
Known as "surucucu" by indigenous South American peoples, the
bushmaster is a highly poisonous snake whose venom inhibits nerve impulses
in the heart, destroys red blood cells, and interferes with clotting. One bite directly
into a vein can cause almost instant death. The remedy, proved by Dr. Constantine
Hering in 1828, is given mainly for vascular and circulatory conditions.
Remedy Profile
Those most responsive to this remedy tend to be ambitious, creative, perceptive, talkative people who live life to the fullest. If they believe in an ideology, they have a tendency to follow it dogmatically. Their intensity may cause them to become fanatical about religion or sex. Being confined in any way is anathema to them, whether physically by tight, restrictive clothing, or emotionally by commitment in a relationship.A tendency to become overstimulated by their intense lifestyle may lead to physical and mental "congestion" that makes it hard to control their emotions. Egocentric, cruel, and wildly jealous behavior may result. They also slip easily into depression and extreme loquacity.
Conditions treated by this remedy usually appear on the left side. The symptoms tend to develop or worsen during sleep. Energy levels fluctuate. Physical symptoms are eased by expelling natural discharges such as menstrual blood or gas (while suppressing them can cause discomfort or pain). Similarly, releasing "emotional discharges" brings relief. Lachesis is often used for hot flashes that occur during menopause, premenstrual syndrome, and certain nervous disorders. The remedy is also prescribed for a sore throat, poor circulation, varicose veins, and certain vascular conditions such as angina.
Women's health
Symptoms: Menopausal hot flashes, perhaps with fainting spells, palpitations, and hot sweats. Lachesis is also used for painful menstruation or premenstrual syndrome with hot flashes, a leftsided headache, and violent mood swings. The symptoms may disrupt sleep and improve with the onset of menstruation.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for menstruating; for expelling natural discharges; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for sleep; upon waking; for touch; for the pressure of tight clothes.
Spasms & tremors
Symptoms: Muscle spasms, tremors, and weakness in the limbs. Spasms may be triggered by the slightest touch, and may be accompanied by fainting or convulsions. These symptoms may be linked to alcoholism, fever, multiple sclerosis, petit mal epilepsy, or even brain damage following a stroke.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for expelling natural discharges; for movement; for cold drinks.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for sleep; for touch; on the left side; for the menopause; for alcohol or hot drinks.
Poor circulation & varicose veins
Symptoms: Poor circulation that turns the face, ears, and extremities blue or purple. Any wounds bleed very easily, with even a pinprick oozing great drops of blood. Lachesis may also be used for varicose veins that are engorged and bluish-purple in color.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for expelling natural discharges; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For lying on the left side; for touch; for the pressure of tight clothes.
Sore throat
Symptoms: Swollen, dark purple throat, predominantly on the left side, with splinterlike pain that may spread to the ears. Air or liquids seem more painful to swallow than solids.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for expelling natural discharges; for loosening clothes.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for sleep; upon waking; for constriction around the neck; for swallowing fluids.
Heart disorders
Symptoms: Cramping pains in the chest, with a rapid, irregular, weak pulse and possible palpitations. There may be a strange sensation as though the heart has swollen and become too large for the body. Further accompanying symptoms typically include anxiety and cyanosis (bluish lips, tongue, and extremities).Symptoms better: For fresh air; for expelling natural discharges; for eating.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for lying on the left side; for sleep; for any constriction around the throat or chest; for touch.
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