Merc. Iod. Flav.
Hydrargyrum iodatum flavatum syn. Mercurius iodatus flavatus
Common Name(s)
Mercurous iodide.
Chemically prepared.
In Western conventional medicine, this compound has traditionally been used to make an ointment that is applied externally for eye diseases.
Mercurous iodide is mixed with lactose sugar and triturated.
Mercurous iodide.
Chemically prepared.
In Western conventional medicine, this compound has traditionally been used to make an ointment that is applied externally for eye diseases.
Mercurous iodide is mixed with lactose sugar and triturated.
Remedy profile
Merc. iod. flav. is most appropriate for people who tend to alternate rapidly between depression and high spirits.The classic symptom picture for Merc. iod. flav. is of right-sided complaints, particularly throat infections with swollen glands and a coated tongue. If pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or ear infections affect the right side, Merc. iod. flav. is strongly indicated. Common symptoms include a sensation as if there is a lump in the throat, throat inflammation, and ulcerated patches in the throat that exude a cheeselike mucus. Sharp, throbbing pains may affect the right ear, becoming worse on swallowing.
Symptoms better: For open air; for physical exertion; during the day.
Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; at night; for gentle movement.
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