Nat. Mur.
Natrum chloratum syn. N. muriaticum
Rock salt is obtained from underground sources in the form of halite. Salt is also produced when sea water is evaporated.
Historically of immense economic value in trade as a preservative and a condiment, but has had limited medicinal uses outside homeopathy.
Rock salt is dissolved in boiling water, filtered, and evaporated to make pure sodium chloride, which is then triturated with lactose sugar.
Common Names
Salt, rock salt, sodium chloride.
Rock salt is obtained from underground sources in the form of halite. Salt is also produced when sea water is evaporated.
Historically of immense economic value in trade as a preservative and a condiment, but has had limited medicinal uses outside homeopathy.
Rock salt is dissolved in boiling water, filtered, and evaporated to make pure sodium chloride, which is then triturated with lactose sugar.
Common Names
Salt, rock salt, sodium chloride.

A common source of salt is the mineral halite, also known as rock salt, which forms where ancient saltwater lakes, possibly underground, have evaporated.
Key Symptoms
ailments that are brought on by suppression of emotions; person feels worse for consolation; craving for salt; discharges that resemble egg white- Sodium chloride, the main ingredient of this remedy, occurs naturally as the mineral halite, or rock salt, and in salt water. An essential part of the human diet, deficiency causes fatigue and muscle cramps, while excess intake is thought to exacerbate high blood pressure and heart disease. In conventional medicine salt is administered as saline solution, often to replace fluid loss. Nat. mur. was proved and published by Hahnemann in his Chronic Diseases (1821–34).
Remedy Profile
Nat. mur. is most suitable for sensitive people who are easily wounded by criticism. They keep a tight rein on emotions, but this can lead to moodiness and self-absorption. Despite a desire for company, they feel awkward in social situations and isolate themselves to avoid being hurt, thus seeming self-reliant and stoic. Inhibition and self-awareness may restrict them: for instance, they may be unable to urinate in a public toilet. They are often conscientious, diligent, and loyal in their relationships.Suppressing strong emotions such as depression, anxiety, or grief is often a cause of illness. These people hate sympathy and fuss. They are prone to colds, crave salt, and feel worse for stuffy heat, sunshine, eating, physical exertion, and sweating. They may be worse by the seaside.
Symptoms: Profuse, runny catarrh that tends to resemble uncooked egg white and may slip down the throat. There may be a dry, hacking cough.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for bathing in cool water.
Symptoms worse: For heat; between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Symptoms: A hammering, bursting headache or migraine above the eyes, possibly with vision disturbances such as zigzag lines.Symptoms better: For pressure on the eyes; for lying in the dark.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for light; for noise; for movement; for reading; between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; for menstruating; for sun on the head.
Skin conditions
Symptoms: Greasy skin and hair, with dandruff around the hairline. Warts, boils, psoriasis, urticaria (hives), hangnails, and cold sores on the nose and lips may be helped by the remedy.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for bathing in cool water; for perspiring; for fasting.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for sunshine; for sea air; after menstruating.
Mouth & throat conditions
Symptoms: Cold sores, mouth ulcers, dental abscesses, and gingivitis (bleeding gums). The lips may be cracked and dry, with a split running down the center of the lower lip. The tongue is bright red with a white coating, and has a tendency to develop blisters. Extreme thirst, a bitter-tasting mouth, and halitosis are also typical symptoms. A sore throat may occur, producing white mucus and the sensation of having a lump in the throat.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for fasting.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for sea air; for emotional stress.
Women's health
Symptoms: Vaginal discharge that resembles uncooked egg white, usually due to thrush. Fatigue may develop before and after menstrual periods. Premenstrual syndrome is marked by water retention and severe headaches. Menstruation may be irregular, and shock or grief may stop it entirely. A dry, sore vagina may even lead to vaginismus (painful spasms during sexual intercourse).Symptoms better: For fresh air; for lying on the right side.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for emotional stress.
Digestive disorders
Symptoms: Constipation with hard, dry stools, colicky pains with nausea, and possibly anal fissures, rectal bleeding, and backaches. There may be sour belches and a bitter taste in the mouth. Any diarrhea is only evident during the day.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for tight clothing; for lying on the right side; for fasting.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for emotional stress; for fuss.
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