Nitric Ac.
Acidum nitricum
Chemically prepared from sodium nitrate (a white, soluble mineral) and sulfuric acid (a corrosive liquid produced from sulfur).
Used in 18th-century Europe to burn off warts and as a treatment for chest and bladder complaints, kidney stones, and fever.
Made by diluting one part nitric acid in nine parts pure alcohol. This mixture is then diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Nitric acid, aqua fortis.
Chemically prepared from sodium nitrate (a white, soluble mineral) and sulfuric acid (a corrosive liquid produced from sulfur).
Used in 18th-century Europe to burn off warts and as a treatment for chest and bladder complaints, kidney stones, and fever.
Made by diluting one part nitric acid in nine parts pure alcohol. This mixture is then diluted and succussed.
Common Names
Nitric acid, aqua fortis.

Produced commercially from ammonia, this acid is highly corrosive and gives off fumes that are extremely irritant and toxic if inhaled.
Key Symptoms
anxiety about health; splinterlike pains; cracks in mucous membranes at orifices; offensive-smelling discharges; irritability; oversensitivity; chilliness; dissatisfaction- Nitric acid was first developed by Arabian chemists in the 11th century. By the 18th century it was in use medicinally for burning off warts, and for treating skin complaints, syphilis, chest infections, and fevers. It has many modern commercial applications, being used in the manufacture of fertilizers, varnishes, nylon, lacquers, chemicals, and explosives. Nitric ac. was proved by Hahnemann and published in his Chronic Diseases (1821–34). He used it chiefly for painful skin conditions, and for miasms such as Sycosis.
Remedy Profile
An underlying discontent is evident in those who respond best to Nitric ac. This may be due to the extreme discomfort of their physical symptoms. Their behavior is often bitter and unforgiving, and they tend to dwell in the past. They are typically selfish, badtempered, explosively angry, and critical. Hypersensitivity may cause these people to worry that they are offending others, to be easily offended themselves, or to feel that others are trying to deceive them.Prolonged emotional and mental suffering often leads to ill-health in these individuals. They fear death and worry incessantly about their health, often believing that their own suffering is much worse than others' and must therefore be treated immediately. Discharges such as urine and perspiration are typically offensive-smelling. A tendency to feel the cold is common, as are cravings for fat and salt. Any jarring motion, such as that of a moving car or train, usually makes them feel worse, as does drinking milk.
Nitric ac. is used mainly for painful skin ailments, especially where the mucous membranes meet the skin of the mouth, nose, or anus. The conditions treated by this remedy often manifest in the skin before going on to affect the internal organs. It is also used for warts, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, mouth ulcers, and catarrh.
Skin conditions
Symptoms: Cracked, broken skin, and fissures that bleed slightly but easily. The nipples may be sore and cracked. Severe acne may develop, as may boils, facial blackheads, pimples, and skin ulcers. The skin is prone to profuse, foul-smelling sweat. Skin complaints are accompanied by splinterlike, cutting pains that appear and disappear suddenly.Symptoms better: For warmth; for warm compresses; for steady, even pressure on the affected area.
Symptoms worse: For cold; for touch.
Symptoms: Big, jagged, moist warts on the hands, with sharp pain and possible bleeding. There may be anal warts with splinterlike pain, notably after passing stools. Stools and urine often smell foul.Symptoms better: For warm coverings.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for washing.
Symptoms: Extremely painful hemorrhoids, possibly with bleeding and splinterlike pain, a burning sensation, and rectal ulcers. Passing stools may involve great strain and effort but little result. Agonizing pain may follow straining or passing a stool, possibly lasting for hours. Hemorrhoids may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, constipation, and foulsmelling anal discharges.Symptoms better: For warmth; for warm compresses; for pressure on the hemorrhoids.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for the slightest jarring; for milk.
Anal fissures
Symptoms: A cracked, sore rectum with splinterlike pains and bleeding, due to tearing on passing a stool. Agonizing pain when passing stools may lead to constipation.Symptoms better: For warm coverings; for hot compresses.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for jarring movement.
Mouth ulcers
Symptoms: Sharp, splinterlike pain with ulcers on the tongue, or in the mouth or throat. There may be halitosis with bleeding gums. The gums may feel soft and spongy and the teeth may be loose.Symptoms better: For hot compresses.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for swallowing; after eating.
Symptoms: Profuse, yellow burning catarrh, raw nostrils with splinterlike pain, and green crusts on the nostrils on waking. Nosebleeds may occur.Symptoms better: For mild weather.
Symptoms worse: For winter; for cold, damp air; at night; for fatty foods; for milk.
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