Nux Vomica
Strychnos nux-vomica
Native to southeast Asia, the tree grows in sandy soil in dry forests of India, Burma, Thailand, China, and Australia.
A rat poison in medieval Europe, and also used to treat the plague. Indian herbalists use the bark to treat cholera, and in Nepal it is prescribed for menstrual problems, rabies, and paralysis.
The dried, ripe seeds are steeped in alcohol for at least five days, before being filtered, diluted, and succussed.
Common Names
Poison-nut tree, Quaker buttons (seeds), nux vomica, vomit weed.
Native to southeast Asia, the tree grows in sandy soil in dry forests of India, Burma, Thailand, China, and Australia.
A rat poison in medieval Europe, and also used to treat the plague. Indian herbalists use the bark to treat cholera, and in Nepal it is prescribed for menstrual problems, rabies, and paralysis.
The dried, ripe seeds are steeped in alcohol for at least five days, before being filtered, diluted, and succussed.
Common Names
Poison-nut tree, Quaker buttons (seeds), nux vomica, vomit weed.

In large doses, the strychnine present in this plant induces intense spasms of the diaphragm, causing respiration to cease, leading to death by suffocation.
Key Symptoms
irritability; overly critical nature; tendency to be highly driven and ambitious; chilliness; desire for rich foods and stimulants; indigestion and constipation; sleeplessness- The poison-nut tree was brought to Europe from southeast Asia in the 15th century. Strychnine, the toxic alkaloid from its seeds, was famous as a poison before 17th-century physicians discovered its stimulating effect on the digestive and nervous systems. Small doses can be diuretic, stimulate the appetite, and aid digestion, but excessive amounts can be fatal. Nux vomica was proved by Hahnemann in 1805.
Remedy Profile
Nux vomica is chiefly linked to workaholic personalities who drive themselves to stress and excess. Ambitious and pushy, they thrive on challenges, and often work in entrepreneurial or managerial jobs. The typical pattern is of someone who is oversensitive and intolerant of criticism, yet perfectionist and often very critical of others. Such highly driven people tend to overload their bodies at play as well as at work. They tend to have high sex drives, consume too much rich food, coffee, and alcohol, and abuse drugs. This indulgence can create tension and sleeplessness, and often leads to digestive disorders (most seriously, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, or liver problems when the body can no longer keep up with the lifestyle).If the profile matches, Nux vomica is given for irritability, insomnia, digestive symptoms, colds and influenza, asthma, cystitis, and menstrual or pregnancy problems. Typically symptoms are worse for cold, noise, light, and odors.
Irritability & insomnia
Symptoms: Hangover-like symptoms, with disrupted sleep and great irascibility, due to an excessive lifestyle with too much alcohol, coffee, or other stimulants. A headache that feels as if a nail has been driven into the forehead is typical, as is waking at around 4 a.m. feeling very irritable and unable to sleep again until morning.Symptoms better: For warmth; for rest; for hot drinks.
Symptoms worse: For cold; for open air; for noise; for light; for strong odors
Digestive disorders
Symptoms: Indigestion, and vomiting with painful retching. Diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps, and nausea by colicky pain. Constipation may make it difficult to empty the bowel fully. Hemorrhoids and constipation may be due to rectal spasms. The abdomen is often bloated and flatulent. There may be cravings for stimulants or spicy, fatty, or rich foods, even though these only aggravate symptoms.Symptoms better: For warmth; for resting; for sleep; for firm pressure on the abdomen; in the evening.
Symptoms worse: For cold; for touch; for noise; for mental overexertion; for repressing emotions; between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.; for stimulants; for eating; for spicy foods.
Colds & influenza
Symptoms: Runny catarrh by day, especially in warm rooms, but a blocked nose at night. There may be sneezing, a sore throat and dry, tickly cough, headaches, and watery, sensitive eyes, or influenza with aching muscles and a shivery fever.Symptoms better: For warmth; for sleep; for being left alone; in the evening.
Symptoms worse: For cold, dry weather; for touch; for noise; for overexertion; between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.
Women's health
Symptoms: Cystitis with spasmodic pain in the bladder, and a frequent but ineffectual urge to urinate. Early, irregular, or heavy menstruation with cramping pains is treated with the remedy, as is menstruation preceded by faintness, and premenstrual syndrome with a violent temper. In pregnancy Nux vomica may be used to help ease fatigue, frequent urination, numbness in the arms, leg cramps, constipation, and morning sickness.Symptoms better: For warmth; for sleep; in the evening; for firm pressure on the affected area; for being left alone; for washing; for warm compresses.
Symptoms worse: For mental overexertion; for touch; for noise; for stimulants; for eating; for spicy foods.
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