Solidago virgaurea
Common Name(s)
Native to Europe and Asia and naturalized in North America.
This herb has traditionally been used externally to heal wounds, thrush, ulcers, and insect bites, and internally for urinary tract infections.
The fresh aerial parts are finely chopped and macerated in alcohol.
Native to Europe and Asia and naturalized in North America.
This herb has traditionally been used externally to heal wounds, thrush, ulcers, and insect bites, and internally for urinary tract infections.
The fresh aerial parts are finely chopped and macerated in alcohol.
Remedy profile
The classic symptom picture for Solidago is of kidney disease, possibly with nausea, insomnia, a weak chest, and susceptibility to colds. Solidago is used when the kidneys feel distended, sore, aching, and tender, with pain extending down to the thighs, or toward the bladder and abdomen. There are typically difficulties in passing urine, which is scanty and discolored, or clear and foul-smelling. The remedy may also be prescribed to treat fibroids.Symptoms better: For profuse urination.
Symptoms worse: For pressure on the affected area.
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