Produced by volcanic activity, and found near hot springs and volcanic craters in Sicily and the US, and on the Italian peninsula.
Used traditionally as a disinfectant, laxative, and purgative, to treat skin complaints, clear up bronchial catarrh, and ease rheumatic pains.
Sulfur is chemically purified. The mineral is then triturated by grinding it into a fine powder that is soluble in water and alcohol.
Common Names
Sulfur, flowers of sulfur, brimstone, sublimated sulfur.
Produced by volcanic activity, and found near hot springs and volcanic craters in Sicily and the US, and on the Italian peninsula.
Used traditionally as a disinfectant, laxative, and purgative, to treat skin complaints, clear up bronchial catarrh, and ease rheumatic pains.
Sulfur is chemically purified. The mineral is then triturated by grinding it into a fine powder that is soluble in water and alcohol.
Common Names
Sulfur, flowers of sulfur, brimstone, sublimated sulfur.

The mineral is refined into flowers of sulfur which, when burned, produce sulfur dioxide, a powerful disinfectant.
Key Symptoms
laziness; tendency to overheat; self-centeredness; philosophical state of mind; itching; burning pains- In the 9th century BCE the Greek poet Homer used vapors of burning sulfur to purify his house. Long used in Chinese and Western medicine for skin problems and as an antiseptic, sulfur was also given to generations of children in the West as brimstone and treacle, a popular tonic to "cleanse" the blood and keep the bowels regular. Hahnemann proved the remedy and published it in his Materia Medica Pura (1821–34). It is used chiefly for skin and digestive complaints.
Remedy Profile
Those best suited to Sulfur are imaginative and inventive, but inept practically. A key problem is being unable to channel their disorganized, philosophical thoughts, which tend to spin off in different directions. With a strong desire for recognition, they may expend a great deal of energy on ideas and speculations, but fail to harness it, losing resolve and appearing egocentric and lazy. Friends are exasperated by their impatience, irritability, and selfabsorption, yet charmed by their generosity, naivety, and good humor.Sensitive to warmth, these people have a tendency to become overheated and strip off layers of clothing. Sweat, stools, and other discharges are often strong-smelling. Heat, eating, standing, and washing usually aggravate symptoms.
Sulfur is prescribed to treat a broader range of ailments than any other remedy in the homeopathic repertory. It is also given to any type of person to boost vitality and clear up lingering illnesses.
Skin conditions
Symptoms: Patches of itchy, red, weepy skin, but generally dry, dirty-looking skin. Sulfur is used for many skin problems, including diaper rash, cradle cap, acne, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, and scabies. It is given for bacterial infections such as erysipelas, cellulitis, impetigo, and boils; for viral infections such as oral and genital herpes; and for measles and chicken pox.Symptoms better: For fresh, warm, dry air; for lying on the right side.
Symptoms worse: For a stuffy environment; for being in a hot bed; for scratching; for wearing wool; for washing.
Digestive disorders
Symptoms: A bloated stomach with burning pains, belching, flatulence, indigestion, and a tendency to regurgitate food. Any vomiting or diarrhea is worse at 5 a.m., and typically alternates with constipation. The anus is sore and itchy after passing stools, and may develop hemorrhoids. Hunger pains and a sinking feeling in the stomach may strike at around 11 a.m. Discharges such as stools and flatulence have an offensive smell.Symptoms better: For cold foods and drinks; for flatulence.
Symptoms worse: For overexertion; for milk.
Women's health
Symptoms: Painful or irregular menstruation, with a burning feeling in the vulva and vagina. The vagina may itch, and there may be a white or yellow discharge that is typically due to thrush. There may be headaches, irritability, and insomnia that are linked with premenstrual syndrome. Sulfur may ease the burning pain of cystitis, and help treat menopausal dizziness, hot flushes, and strong-smelling sweats, particularly if these symptoms are accompanied by vaginal itching.Symptoms better: For fresh, warm, dry air; for lying on the right side.
Symptoms worse: For a stuffy environment; at night.
Men's health
Symptoms: Impotence or erectile failure accompanied by sharp pains in the penis and itching in the tip of the penis. Penis or prostate inflammation may be helped by the remedy.Symptoms better: For fresh, warm, dry air; for movement.
Symptoms worse: For heat; at night; for rest.
Respiratory illness
Symptoms: A dry, sore throat with a choking feeling, swollen tonsils, and hoarseness. Colds and coughs are marked by thick, smelly, yellow or green catarrh. Coughing disrupts sleep. Colds may develop into bronchitis, pleurisy, or pneumonia with chest pains.Symptoms better: For open air; for dry heat; for lying on the right side.
Symptoms worse: At night; in the morning; for reclining.
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