Tarentula hispanica syn. Lycosa tarentula
Found in many parts of southern Europe.
Not used medicinally outside homeopathy, although a related species, the trapdoor spider (Cteniza fodiens), is used for swellings and skin ulcers in traditional Chinese medicine.
The whole, live spider is macerated in alcohol and left to dissolve. The resulting solution is then succussed and diluted.
Common Names
Tarentula, wolf spider, Spanish spider, hunting spider.
Found in many parts of southern Europe.
Not used medicinally outside homeopathy, although a related species, the trapdoor spider (Cteniza fodiens), is used for swellings and skin ulcers in traditional Chinese medicine.
The whole, live spider is macerated in alcohol and left to dissolve. The resulting solution is then succussed and diluted.
Common Names
Tarentula, wolf spider, Spanish spider, hunting spider.

Despite its fearsome reputation, probably based on the link with tarantism and on confusion with the deadly North American tarantula, the bite of this spider is about as toxic as a bee sting.
Key Symptoms
sensitivity to music; mood swings; extreme restlessness; rolling from side to side; promiscuity and heightened libido; craving for spicy foods- Often confused with the formidable American arachnid, which belongs to a different family, this European spider is not deadly. However, its bite was once thought to cause tarantism, a disease marked by either mania or melancholy. The name "tarentula" is derived from Tarento, a port on the coast of southeast Italy that was particularly associated with the spider. The common names "wolf spider" and "hunting spider" arose from this species' habit of chasing its prey rather than trapping it in a web. Tarentula was proved in 1864 by the Spanish homeopath Dr. Nunez, and is used for overstimulation of the nervous system.
Remedy Profile
Those who respond best to Tarentula often exhibit signs of hyperactivity, overstimulation, and extreme sensitivity to music. They are full of energy, with a constant sense of hurry, impatience, and physical and mental restlessness. A classic symptom is mood swings, where laughter and happiness are rapidly replaced by violent, destructive rage and a marked tendency to be manipulative.When ill, these people tend to roll from side to side in an attempt to ease their symptoms. Their constant restlessness makes them unable to remain still for any length of time. They often crave salty or spicy foods, and may have a strong aversion to meat.
Tarentula is most commonly prescribed to treat extreme anger and mood swings, restless limbs and chorea (also called St. Vitus' dance), and certain heart problems. It is also given for some ailments affecting women's health and hyperactivity, particularly in children.
Mood swings
Symptoms: Sudden mood changes switching from gaiety to starkly negative moods that are marked by quarrelsome, angry, ungrateful behavior. There is a tendency to exhibit extreme sensitivity to music, erratic behavior, or sudden, violent, destructive actions such as smashing something, laughing, and then apologizing.Symptoms better: For music; for relaxation; for massage; for smoking a cigarette.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for noise; after menstruation.
Restless limbs & chorea
Symptoms: Constant jerking and trembling of the hands and legs. There may be constant movement, a compulsion to hurry, and frenetic, excess energy, although walking and kneeling may be difficult. The twitching and jerking movements are random and unpredictable, possibly with pins and needles or numbness. Sleep is restless, and there may be a headache that feels as though needles are pricking the brain. There may be great irritability and impatience.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for seeing bright colors; for music; for smoking a cigarette.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for movement; for noise; at the same time each year; for witnessing the suffering and pain of others.
Angina & heart disorders
Symptoms: Trembling, starts, and thumping in the heart, which feels twisted and out of position. The pulse is irregular and infrequent, and there may be chorea.Symptoms better: For fresh air; for rest; for music.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for noise; for exertion; for putting hands in cold water.
Women's health
Symptoms: Sensitive genitalia with severe vulval itching. The vagina may feel hot, dry, and raw. Symptoms may be associated with excessive sexual activity and fibroids.Symptoms better: For rolling from side to side.
Symptoms worse: For touch; for scratching; after heavy menstruation; on the left side.
Symptoms: Intense burning and stinging on urinating, a frequent urge to urinate, and incontinence when laughing and coughing. Urine smells foul and has a sandy sediment.Symptoms better: For rolling from side to side; for rest.
Symptoms worse: For cold; in the evening; for touch; after menstruation.
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