Vespa crabro
Common Name(s)
European hornet.
Native to Europe.
The female hornet has a severe sting, but it is rarely fatal.
The whole, live insect is steeped in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.
European hornet.
Native to Europe.
The female hornet has a severe sting, but it is rarely fatal.
The whole, live insect is steeped in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.
Remedy profile
People for whom Vespa is best suited are prone to insomnia, often due to anxiety. Their nerves and muscles are often sensitive.Red, swollen skin complaints and disorders of the female reproductive organs are usually treated with Vespa. Typical skin symptoms include sore, stinging boils, raised, itchy bumps and weals, and itchy, lentil-shaped spots. Stinging, burning pains, as if the body is being pierced by something sharp, are another symptom associated with this remedy.
Vespa is also used for mucous membrane problems and complaints associated with menstruation, such as premenstrual depression, pain, and constipation.
Symptoms better: For washing the hands in cold water; for bathing the affected area with vinegar.
Symptoms worse: For closed, stuffy surroundings; for being by a source of direct heat.
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