Sore (Stomatitis)


Dry red, burning. Thirstlessness.


Simple inflammation of the mouth with burning.

Natrum Mur

Simple inflammation with mapped tongue and red insular patches. Mouth and tongue feel dry, hot and burnt.

Hepar Sulpli

Scurfy patches at mouth corners, pimples on chin. Ulcers of the soft palate which eat away the uvula and destroy the soft palate and later destroy the osseous  portion of the   roof   of the mouth. Extremely offensive smell from the mouth like that of spoiled cheese. Abuse of mercury.

Merc. Cor

Ulcerative inflammation of the mouth.

Mur Acid

Aphthous mouth, psoriasis of tongue, recurring ulcers.

Arum Trip

Very sore feeling in the mouth, redness of tongue, elevated papillae, lips and corners of mouth cracked, nose sore.


Mouth covered with offensive mucus after sleeping.


The mucus membrane looks shrivelled as if burnt Dryness of the mouth. Stomatitis with thirst and vomiting. The blisters bleed easily on touch.


Flabby tongue, showing the imprint of teeth, with a feeling as if it had been burnt, especially on the front part of the tongue.


Tip of tongue dry and feels as if burnt.


Roof of mouth and pharynx feels as if burnt and scalded.


Specially beneficial in apthous sore mouth; tongue heavily coated; follicular ulcers in the mouth; secretion of tenacious mucus from the mouth.


Ulceration of glands, dark red or purple. Profuse flow of filthy and offensive saliva. Tongue sore, cracked and ulcerated, (of phthisis of mercury origin).

Arsenic Alb

Is indicated in livid and bluish aphthae with blisters in the mouth and on tongue. Gangrenous stomatitis of the cheek and gums with fever. Black central spot in ulcerative portion. Intense restlessness and prostration.

Nitric Acid

Ulceration due to the abuse of mercury or syphilis. Saliva is acrid and offensive, excoriating the corners of the mouth. Teeth look yellow and are loose and drop out. It cures ulceration and gangrenous varieties. Foul smell from mouth.


Has general aphthous conditions of the mouth and throat with difficulty in swallowing. Child ejects the milk in large curds owing to bad stomach. Vomiting is spurting in character and attended by prostration.


Ulccrative stomatitis with bleeding from gums; white or yellow lines about the gums; general emaciation.

Mercurius Sol

Very useful in ulcerative stomatitis where there is no history of abuse of mercury. Ulecrative gums with great saliva, offensive breath and night aggravation.


Pain in tongue as if burnt,


Ulceration and dryness of the mouth. Thirst for cold water.


Ulceration with profuse salivation at night on sleeping and like Mercurius it soils the pillow

Natrum Sulph

When there are small blisters or extremely sensitive ulcers with relief from holding cold water in mouth.

Helleborus Niger

A useful remedy for apthae with increas­ed saliva, cankers with yellowish-red edges. Numbness and swelling of tongue. Bitter taste in throat.

Sulphuric Acid

Aphthae in mouth. Tonge horribly swollen. Profuse salivation. Breath offensive. Hoemorrhage from mouth.


Aphthae and denuded spots with burnning and rawness. Gum swollen, spongy, bleed. Toguc swollen, burns, trembles, red, dry and cracked at tips.