
Ars. Alb

I have used this remedy with great success in typhoid fever in three drop doses every two hours — six doses daily. If the temperature does not abate, give Sulphur 200 — one dose on empty stomach and no other remedy on that day. Start again with Ars. 30 from the following day. If no improvement is seen during the next four days, give Psorinum 200 in the morning — empty stomach. No other remedy that day and start again with Ars. 30 from the following day. If this also fails during the next four days, give Tuberculinum 200 or 1000 in the morning empty stomach in the same way as Sulphur or Psorinum. Wait for two days and then again start with Ars. 30. The normal symptoms for Ars. Alb. are: — restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals, prostration. Extremely red tongue combined with diarrhoea, mouth sour with dry crusts.


It is used only when typhoid is complicated with pneumonia. It is also valuable in diarrhoea after convalescence has set in.


Cerebral paralysis, low delirium, muscular twitchings, dropping of lower jaw and involuntary stools.


It is indicated when typhoid is accompanied with diarrhoea. The stools are of sour smell and there is stupor from which it is diffiult to arouse the patient. Sudden prostration, indifference and apathy. It cuts short the period, if given in early stage. Typhoid of unusually rapid onset.


Is to be given in early stages of typhoid. There is no thirst, but the headache is troublesome. The patient is otherwise quiet, indifferent, emotionless, Drooping eyelids, trembling, chilliness, drowsiness, dread of motion, prostration.

Arum Trip

This is an important remedy which should be thought of when the patient is pricking the nose, lips or finger nails until they bleed. This is an important symptom of this remedy and is often found in typhoid cases.


It has similar symptoms as in Baptisia, except that Lachesis patient is worse after sleep and has a tendency to haemorrhage of dark blood. He is sensitive to touch especially at the neck and waist; loss of speech. Signs of paralysis of brain viz. dropping of lower jaw, offensive discharges, low muttering delirium, dry trembling tongue.

Acid Muriatic

It is indicated in haemorrhage from the intestines. Feotid breath. Putrid smell. There is extreme prostration. The evacuations are constant with unconsciousness. The jaw hangs down; in fact the patient is on the very brink of the grave. Tongue dry, rattles in the mouth. Pulse intermitting.


After typhoid fever when the patient is very slow in convalescing which may be due to syphillis. Syphilinum high say 200 or 1000 may be tried.


Sleeplessness in typhoid. Congestion of base of the brain.


Paralytic condition, dark red face and stertorous breathing.

Calcarea Carb



Sees objects and persons on closing the eyes. They disappear on opening them.

Acid Phos

Prostration and weakness following the typhoid fever.


Irritability with weakness and exhausting sweat after typhoid, especially in women.

Cuprum Met

Typhoid fever with unconsciousness; loss of pulse; suppression of urine; tympanitic abdomen; restlessness; rolling about on the floor for days together; great prostration and nervous excitability. Give in 200 dilution every twelve hours till the improvement starti.


Typhoid fever with oozing of blood from the mouth, tongue dry, swollen which fills mouth, printed red like a piece of meat.


Smooth glossy red tongue with excessive tympanities.

Croton Tig

For complications of diarrhoea with colic.

Kali Phos

Dry brown tongue, dry crusts on teeth, mental depression, delirium. Foul and offensive discharges.

Vaccinum Myrtillus

Yellow loose stool, great thirst and chilliness.