Aconite N
Frequent yawning without sleepiness.Lycopodium
Yawning after eating.Nux Vom
Yawning for hours after eating.Ignatia
Yawning after sleep; while eating; excessive yawning as if jaw would be dislocated.Rhux Tox
Severe yawning threatening to dislocate jaw. Lower jaw stiff and painful.Natrum Mur
Yawning with internal chilliness.Sulphur
Frequent yawning with eructations during the day.Chelidonium
Frequent yawning with stretching and sleepiness.Lachesis
Yawning with restlessness and pain in back.Tellurium
Yawning after retching, drowsy after eating.Amyl. Nit
Profound and repeated yawning. Constant stretching for hours, would seize the bed and call for help to —stretch.Plumbum
To stretch and yawn incessantly.
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