Chapped Hands and Cracks in Finger Tips


Cracks at the ends of fingers and on the back of hands. Skin rough or ragged, bleeding, the tissues are hardened. Often much itching. Coldness in spots—stomach, back, abdomen etc.

Rhus Tox

Irritation of the skin with tingling and burning. Crawling sensation in the tips of fingers. Skin red and swollen. Worse in cold, wet and rainy weather.


Delicate pale waxy skin. Cracks at the ends of fingers; pus offensive. Fingers feel dry. Eruptions itch only in day time and evening. The patient is cold, chilly, hugs the fire, hates draughts; hands and feet cold.


Rhagades, skin affections after local medication. Worse scratching and washing. Skin is dry, scaly and unhealthy, itches and burns. Hot sweaty hands. Sleep light; wakens easily.

Natrum Mur

Dryness and cracking about finger nails. Palms hot and perspiring. Liable to take cold. Great weakness and weariness. Irritable over trifles. Consolation aggravates. Greasy skin.

Alumina Silicate

Hands constantly chapped; coldness of hands : coldness of legs and feet; hands cold as ice and fingers blue. Nails brittle.