

Teatment of psoriasis should be started with this remedy which should be given in CM potency. No medicine for 15 days thereafter.

Kali Brom

Syphilitic psoriasis. Skin cold, blue, spotted, corrugated, large, indolent, painful pustules.

Kali Arsenicum

Patches of psoriasis on back, arms, and spreading from elbows; scaly itches, scaling off leaves behind red skin. Withered in bends of arms and knees.


Psoriasis in chilly and anaemic subjects. Dry impoverished skin; cold hands and feet.

Radium Brom

Psoriasis of penis. Itching eruptions on face oozing. Patchy erythema on forehead. Burning sensation and itching all over.

Corallium Rubrum

Psoraisis of palms and soles. Red flat ulcers. Coral coloured spots changing to dark red and then copper coloured.

Ars. Brom

Is an excellent remedy and should be given in 3X dilution.

Acid Chrysopharicum

Use this as an ointment 4 to 8 grains with one ounce of vaseline for outer application. Internally it may be given in 3X or 3rd dilution.

Ars. Sulph Rub

For skin diseases; especially psoriasis and also eczema, acne and furuncles.


Psoriasis — syphilitic — of the palms, itching of the palms, hands withered; tearing pain in hands. If there is no relief from this, give other remedies according to symptoms.


With extensive thickening and exfoliation of the skin.


Psoriasis of the palms, itching worse from heat.


Of the hands, with fissures. Worse in cold weather.

Arsenic Alb

Psoriasis, worse by cold application and wetness, better by warmth. Give in 200 dilution every week.

Arsenic Iod

Psoriasis better in cold and wet weather, or by cold application : worse by warmth. Lower dilutions, 6 or 30 preferred, although higher dilutions 200 or 1000 not ruled out when lower dilutions fail.


Psoriasis appearing or worse at the time of menses. Painful cracks.