
(See also "DESIRE")

Ranunculus Bulbosus

Manial attacks of drunkards.


Headache due to alcoholism. As ifnail were driven inhead. Worse in open air. Sleeplessness, convulsions and liveliness.



Nauseacontinues for long time after drinks.


Morning vomitting, sickness of stomach,frightful vision anddelirium.


Headache caused by a small quantityof liquor.


The patient attempts to bite withurinary complaints andsexual excitement.

Asarum Europeum

A great longing for alcohol.

Avena Sativa

Nervousness and sleeplessness. Takesaway the longing foralcohol.


Sleeplessness with mental depressionand mild delirium.

Nux Vomica

Nervousness due to drinking wine or liquor. Is frightened by little noise and springs up at night withdreadful visions. Itantidotes bad effects of liquor, such as gastric troubles, giddiness, restlessness etc. Tendencyto jealousy and envy; to suicide by shooting or stabbing.

Apocynum Can

For acute alcoholism.


Constant delirium with loquacity and insomnia. Outburst of laughter alternatingwith weeping.

Cannabis Ind

Violence and talkativeness due to alcoholism. Delusions and hallucinations relating to exaggerated subjects, time, space, etc. Faceflushed, pupils dilated perspireseasily.


In oldsinners who have had delirium tremens over and over again. Expression of fright or terror on the face. Breathing stertorous, visions ofanimals and ghosts withuneasy sleep. Face dark red. For brandy drinkers. For those who get drunk even aftertaking mild wines.

Sulphuric Acid

Head remedy for chronic alcoholism. Cannot tolerate even the slighest amount of food. Cannot drink water unless mixed withwhisky. Craving forbrandy. Patient is pale, shrivelled and cold.


Suitable for habitual drunkards. Has vision of animals coming at him from everycorner and he tries toescape. Face bright red. Hallucination and illusion are fright and terror producing.


Intoxication after taking the smallest quantity of liquor or even wine in water.


Longingfor alcoholic liquors.


Craving for alcohol in any form. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism.


Easilymade drunk by even the weakest spirituous drink.


Ill-natured people, inclined to violent crimes, vindictive, jealous, envious,induced to kill others and nothimself. Talkativeness before and during drunkenness.


Drunkards without energy, without strength of will, unable to refuse a glass of wine. Vomiting after the least excess in drinks.Talking much when drunk.

Ars Alb

Thirst for drinking alcohol. Is also a head remedy and should be tried first. Inclined tovomiting and still more todiarrhoea. Trembling of limbs in drunkards.

China Off

Toremove the craving for alcohol in drunkards who wish to reform. Give ten to thirty drops a dose twice daily.

Note. Give all the above medicines indilutions not lower than200 (except where otherwise stated) every week till thehabit of drinking or craving is completely removed.