
(See also "ANNOYANCE")


Excellent remedy for anger or for its bad effects. Speechless from suppressed indignation; trembles from head to foot; loss ofsleep. Cannot controlhimself. Least action or word annoys his feelings. Easily aroused to anger but seldom manifests it.


Anger in children which may result in diarrhoea, cough or convulsions; quarrelsome children. Child wants something newevery minute and refuses it when offered. Strikes the nurse in the face in order to get something. Loses temper ontrifles. Give in IM or CMdilution, one dose every week.

Aurum Fuliatum

Trembling when he cannot give vent to his anger. Tries to pick up quarrel with somebody to revile him.


Becomesangry, if misunderstood.

Colocynth 200

Indignation with silent mortification (acute disappointment) which causes violent neuralgia in the head, eyes, intestines and along thenerves.

Calcarea Carb

Anger after coition.

Nux Mosehata

Anger during pregnancy.

Aurum Met


Nux Vom

Anger from ]east contradiction.

Iodum 200

Violent anger. Wants to kill anybody who comes near him. Feels pleasure when he is by himself.

Hepar Sul

Quarrelsome,  hard to get alongwith : nothing pleases; oversensitiveness to persons whose presence disturbs him and to places. Desiresconstant change of persons,things and surroundings but thesechanges againdisplease him and make him irritable.

Kali Iod

Very strong degree of irritability,cruelty and harshness oftemper with his family and with his children and others. Abusive.

Natrum Ars

Anger at trifles, furious from contradiction. Mind dull, better in open air, worse inbed and at night.

Crocus Sat

Anger with violence followed byrepentence.