

Lac Caninum

The patient is absent-minded. He is very forgetful. Buys things in the market and walks away without them. He omits letter or letters of a word when writing. While speaking he unconsciously and inadvertently substitutes objects seen instead of objects thought of. In writing he uses too many words and not the right ones. Cannot concentrate to read or study.

Acid Phos

Loss of memory due to sexual excesses. Listless; impaired memory, cannot collect his thoughts.


Forgetfulness due to mental exertion. It is most marked in the morning. After general paralysis. Weak­ness or loss of memory. Irresistible desire to curse or swear.

Baryta Carb

Is useful in the case of old people where age has taken the keenness out of all mental faculties.

Cannabis Indica

The patient is utterly forgetful. Cannot finish the sentence as he could not remember what he wished to say.


Forgetful during his waking hours and in sleep he dreams what he has forgotten.


Forgetful, weak-minded, laughing and weeping without cause, despair to recovery, melancholy, indifference to business and other matters..


Forgetiulness renders the patient ludicrous. He forgets the names of well known streets, the number and location of his own house, although he has been living in the same for years. Way home seems too long. Well known streets seem strange.


Loss of memory after-masturbation or seminal emissions, or constantly dwelling on sexual subjects. When he reads something, he remembers only dimly and after long recollection he could hardly recall it.

Lac. Vacc. Defl

Loss of memory with listlessness and aversion to mental work. Sadness and desires death by easiest means.


Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, extreme excitement, due to sexual excesses or from tobacco poisoning. He cannot think and the more he thinks, the more he gets away from the subject. This may be due to mental and physical prostration. It is also useful for "doubtful" patients who are not sure of anything, even after they have seen and felt a particular thing, they begin to doubt its existence after a while when they go away from it.


Easy forgetfulness. Forgotten something which he does not know what it was. It weighed on his mind; makes him restless and nervous.

Aiianthus Glandulosa

Even things spoken of a moment ago are forgotten. Constant loss of memory.


Weak memory and forgetfulness with slowness of perception.

Ambra Grisea

Cannot remember even the simplest words or facts owing to nervous exhaustion; premature old age; changing from one subject to another.


Weakness of memory; forgetfulness; inability to sustain mental effort.

Kali Brom

Loss of memory with impotency; anaemia: emaciation; single words forgotten; syllables dropped.

Zincum Phos

Mental weakness varies from mere forgetful-ness to imbecility (idiocy of lesser degree). Burning along the spine; dull aching about the last dorsal or first lumber vertebra, worse sitting, also worse from study or exertion. Weakness, trembling and twitching of the various muscles of the extremities. Extreme restlessness of the legs and feet. Violent erections and emissions following drawing pains in the testicles and spermatic cord.


Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read, makes mistakes in writing, of spelling and words. Time moves too slowly, everybody moves too slowly.

Natrum Carb

Forgetfulness with nervous and physical exhaustion; inability to add up figures; forgets what he reads. In reading a page, the one previous to it soon goes out of the mind. The memory will not hold out from the beginning to the end of a sentence.


Uses wrong words, syllables and letters, spells wrongly or omits parts of words. Confused thoughts. Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he writes.


Very forgetful. Cannot recall names and recent events; stupid and confused; avoids conversation; cannot find proper words or misplaces words while talking or writing; sad during the day and happy during evening. Broods and speculates but does not work.


Loss of memory; words are omitted while writing; sudden disappearance of thought; forgets what he is talking about.

Rhus Tox

Incapability of mind for continuous thought. The patient meaning to write 12 will write the figure 1 but cannot recollect the figure which should follow.


Uses wrong words, cannot find right words.