Inability to think or fix attention. An excellent remedy for students who have no mind to study.Cajuputam
Thinking of thousand things in a minute. Cannabis Ind. Absorbed in thinking with closed eyes.Coffea
Full of ideas, thinking of thousand things when lying awake; hears the clocks on the distant steeples; hears the dogs barking; memory active; full of ideas; increased power to think and to debate.Onosmodium
Want of power of concentration or coordination.Argentum Nit
When thinking causes diarrhoea; dimness of vision.Osmium
Thoughts of accidents having occurred to others; these thoughts grow upon him as if he were to do the same injuries to others.Baptisia
Inability to think in typhoid fever.Acid Phos
Inability to think after coition.Terebinthina
Inability to think in nervous headache.Alumina
Inability to think in headache with constipation.Argentum Met
Inability to think. Disturbance of memory and the intellectual part of man; headache and pain in back.Nitric Acid
Thinking over past troubles.Bryonia
Thinking that he is away from home and wants to be taken home.Crot Tig
Cannot think outside of himself.Stramonium
Wild thoughts.
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