(See also "INSANITY")
Baryta Mar
Any form of mania with increased sexual desire.Melilotus
Wants to run away or kill himself, vicious, threatens to kill those who approach him. Religious melancholy.Stramonium
Violent mania with tendency to commit murder. Inclination to stab or bite. With anxiety. Burrows his mouth in the ground like a pig. Desire for light and company. Clasps hands. During pregnancy. Religious mania. Wants to pray all the time. Great loquacity expressing wild and absurd fancies. Hallucination with delirium. Puerperal mania. Talkativeness, throws himself about. Worse from light and better in the dark.Cocculus Ind
When mania is caused by suppression of menses.Hjoscyamus
Comical. Wants to be naked," puts off his clothes. Mania with jealousy. Stupid.-Veratrum Alb
Desires to cut and tear everything, especially clothes. Wants to kiss everybody. Violent. Excited state of religious frenzy.Lachesis
Mania after domestic calamity. Before epileptic attack. Religious mania. Full of wickedness; self-conceit, envy, hatred and cruelty. She would annoy her relatives and friends by telling them the story of the damnation of her soul for all the awful things she has done. Thinks she has committed unpardonable sins for which she must go to hell about which she is reading in religious books.Opium
Mania with frightful vision. Indecent.Sepia
Mania during profuse menses or at the climacteric period when the menses stop suddenly and the interest in family is lost.Pulsatilla
Mania during suppressed menses.Belladonna
At one time merry, but would again spit and bite at those around him. It stands half way between Stramonium and Hyoscyamus. Startles and jumps, falling on waking from sleep.Mercurius
Mania. Throws away clothes at night. Tears clothes and scolds. Talks and scolds much to herself. Frequent spittings spreads the saliva out with her feet, licks some of it iip again. Licks cowdung and mud of ponds, does no harm to anyone but resists when touched. Strong inclination to catch passing strangers by the nose when taking a walk.Tarentula His
Mania; at first quarrelsome and then starts abusing everyone, destroys whatever she can lay hand on, tears her clothes, laughs and sings; mocks at old people about their age. Attacks end in a comatose sleep. Wants every thing to be in motion. Cannot bear to see any one. Wants her relatives to move about round the house without any aim. She does not want any, body to sit idle and be lazy.Sulphur
Philosophicalm ania. Doing nothing but meditating all the time as to what caused this and that thing and finally leaving to Divine Providence and then asking who made God and who was his father and so on.Actea Racemosa
Following disappearance of neuralgia.Cuprum Met
Mania; attacks end in sweat.Platina
After vexation.Iodium
Better from quietness and meditation.Calcarea Carb
.Religious mania. Religious minded, sense of proportion lost as a result thereof.Camphor
Puerperal mania with eyfs convergent, sparkling and staring, pale face and cold forehead. Scolds in abusive language. Skin dry.Nux Vom
Mania caused by sleeplessness, prostration and excitement.Ustilago M
Mania for bathing. Impulse to commit suicide particularly by drowning.
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