Ailments of Spleen


The head remedy for enlargement of spleen. It is normally used Jn mother tincture in drop doses. Deep seated pains in the splenic region, deep stitches, worse in damp weather. Chills and fever, floating and displaced spleen.


The next best remedy for enlargement of spleen when there is congestion, swelling and stitching in the spleen due to protracted and severe fevers.

Aranea Diadema

Enlargement of spleen due to chronic effects of malaria. Languor, lassitude and constant chilliness are useful symptoms.


Useful for sensitive, swollen and enlarged spleens.

Succinum Acid

For improving the condition and function of the spleen.


For simple congestion and inflammation of spleen with stiching and tearing pains which are worse from motion and better by rest.


Inflammation of spleen with haemorrhagic tendency. Tight bands or tight clothes cannot be endured. There is violent pain in the region of spleen.