Ulceration arid cancer of both pylorus and caecum, with great distension of stomach, belching, offensive flatus, agonizing pain, must loosen clothes. Gastric or duodenal ulcers.Acetic Acid
Ulceration of stomach, hot sour eructations, vomiting of blood and allfood taken, gnawing pain, distension of stomach, burning in stomach and abdomen ameliorated by lying on stomach. Flatulence and dropsy. Diarrhoea with pure blood. Anaemic, weak and emaciated. Loss of appetite.Argentum Nit
Ulceration of intestines, or stomach with vomiting of blood. Pain, immediately after eating.Kali Bich
Ulceration of inteistines with chronic diarrhoea.Merc. Cor
Ulceration of large intestines with bloody stools.Terebinth
Ulceration of intestines with haemorrhage.Nitric Acid
Ulceration in typhoid fever.Phosphorus
andArsenic Alb
Ulceration of stomach with burning pain. Try in the given order.Euphorbium
Ulcers in stomach that burn like coal fire. Burning pain when Phosphorus and Arsenic Alb. fail.Lycopodium
Having bloated feeling after a few mouthfuls of food. Aggravation between 4-8 P.M. Use in 1 M potency.Lachesis
Gastric ulcer wheri the patient feels worse on waking. Cannot bear constriction of any kind, wants loose clothes. Cannot bear the heat of the sun.Pulsatilla
Gastric ulcer in patients who cannot bear fats. Better in open air.Thuja
Gastric ulcers in persons where there is a history of excessive vaccination.Graphites
It is of great value in gastric and duodenal ulcers. Stomach pain relieved by hot food or drink and by lying down.Natrum Phos
Ulceration of stomach. Pain in one spot after food with hyper-acidity and acid risings.Medorrhinum
Duodenal ulcers with pain two hours after food; excessive flatulence and always better at the seaside. Give in 1M potency.Aesculus Hip
Congestion and ulceration of the stomach with inclination to vomiting which is sour; sour eructations. Constant distress and burning in the stomach.Uranium Nitricum
Useful for pyloric and gastric ulcers. Vomiting of mucus mixed with blood and coffee-ground matter; stools tarry, dark.
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