Nitric Acid
Is the head remedy for the disease. It should be given in 200 dilution every week. Soreness and burning pain in the lower bowel; a thin greenish discharge flowing freely from the fistula.Silicea
When there is a fetid watery dicharge from the fistula.Berb. Vul
Fistula in anus, with bilious symptoms and itching of parts.Lachesis
Pain in fistula as if beaten with hammers.Acid Flour
Accompanied with lachrymal and dental discharges.Bacillinum
Syphilitic and mercurial history. May be given as an intercurrent remedy, if the well selectd remedies fail to give relief.Calcarea. Sulph
Painful abscesses about the anus in case of fistula. Pus—like slimy discharge.Causticum
Fistula and large piles. Rectum sore and burns.Hydrastis
Fistula in anus. Obstinate constipation. Burning and smarting in rectum. Haemorrhoids and fainting.Sulphur
Lancinating pain from anus upwards, especially after stools. Blind fistula, with painless yellowish-green discharge, poor appetite with tickling in throat; nasal catarrh; urates; phosphates and oxalates in urine.Calcarea Phos
In scrofulous subjects. Alternated with chest symptoms or in persons who have pain in joints from change of weather.Calendula Lotion
One drahm in an ounce of water should be used locally.
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