
Aconite N

When due to exposure to cold. Fever with peritoneal pains.

Ferrum Phos

This is another remedy for peritonitis due to cold.


Fever with burning heat all over the body. Great thirst for large quantities of water. Pain in abdomen worse from pressure and motion.


Swollen abdomen which is tense like a drum, sensitive to touch. Least jar, noise and light aggravate the pain. Retching and vomiting.

Mercurius Sol

When suppuration has commenced, and the abdomen is tympanitic with effusion, the patient has rigors and sweats. Diarrhoea with chill and fever.


Peritonitis when the slightest touch is unbearable.

Rhus Tox

In peritonitis with typhoid tendency. High fever, dry tongue, tip is red. Swelling in abdomen. Bitter taste. Desire for milk.

Veratrum Album

Is indicated when the patient is a picture of collapse, extreme coldness, weakness. Vomiting, purging and cramps in extremities.