Gall Stone


It is the head remedy for gall stones. If taken for a long time, it expels stones from the gall bladder and prevents their formation.


It should be tried in gall stone colic. It removes congestion and cures fever due to upsetting of gall bladder.

    (Note:- Olive oi! is a proved "cure" for gall stones. It should be taken half a pint daily. Take a drink of oil and follow immediately with a drink of lemon juice. After three or four minutes take more oi! and follow it up by more lemon juice. Continue untill half a pint of oil has been taken and finish up with lemon juice. The lemon juice helps in digesting the oil and prevents sickness. This treatment is said to result in passing of stones in one day, but in some instances the treatment may have to be repeated for two or three days.)

Berberis Vul

Colic from gall stones.

Chionanthus Virginica

Bilious colic, gall-stone colic. It liquifies bile, prevents the formation of stones and expels those aleady formed; obstruction of liver in malarial places. Constipation; stools clay-coloured, yellow skin, urine almost black.

Carduus Marianus

Enlargement of liver and spleen. Swelling of gall bladder. Gall-stone colic. Bilious fever.  Stools hard, difficulty knoty; alternate with diarhoea.

Calcarea Carb

Gall-stone colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Sensitive to slight pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Inguinal and mesentric glands swollen and painful.


Gall-stone colic. Weak muscular power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation. Liver atrophied.


Pain in hepatic region as from subcutaneous ulceration, worse from touch. Yellowness of skin and conjunctiva. Colic from gall stone. Swollen hard liver. Prevents formation of stones in gall bladder.


It dissolves stones in healthy bile. Gall stone colic. Jaundice. It cures congestion and tumefaction of the liver.

Natrum Sul

Gall stone colic coming on after indigestion. Pain in the region of gall bladder. Dribbling of urine after urination. Pain on the right side which extends up to the breast.